Social Cooperative Enterprizes (Koin.S.Ep.)

Social Cooperative Enterprizes (Koin.S.Ep.) are Urban Partnerships with social goal on the one hand but on the other hand they can have the commercial feature as well. It is , for example , a new form of enterprizing , socially orientated , which aspires to give innovative and dynamic solutions to the economical crisis problems through procedures which ensure a balanced relationship between business strategy and social goals . Therefore , it can give solutions to promote employment and face poverty and unemployment .
Unquestionably , Koinsep Enterprizes are an initiative from unemployed people to unemployed people, which aim to “produce” a social task and at the same time to create an income for their members. A lot of people consider Koinsep Enterprizes to be the BUSINESS OF THE FUTURE.
Searching a suitable model for a recognizable and effective partnership as well as a flexible operation the members of “ERKYNA” came to the conclusion that the form of Koinsep fully covered their anticipations and needs and so they chose this legal form.
KOINSEP “ERKYNA” is a Social Cooperative Enterprize , originally having a productive aim ( according to the Law 4019 / 2011 – ΦΕΚ 216 / Α /30 – 9 – 2011 ) with Tax Register Number 997391380 , with ΑΜΚΕ Δ 00998 / 16 – 2 – 2016 and with 15756 / 812 / 23 – 6 – 2016 Final Registration Number at the General Register of Social Economy as it was in harmony with the arrangements of the Law 4430 /2016 – ( ΦΕΚ 205 /Α / 31 – 10 – 2016 ) number 14 paragr. 2b , in the form of Koinsep “COLLECTIVE AND SOCIAL BENEFIT” situated in Levadia , Viotias.
The Κ.ΑΛ.Ο. is a different model of social and economical development which satisfies social needs in an innovative way giving emphasis on the social impact and the production development.
The basic principles of Κ.ΑΛ.Ο. are :
Respect to the man and the environment
Democratic Participation
Κ.ΑΛ.Ο. is an alternative model of economical development because :
it is based on an alternative form of organization of production , distribution , consumption and re-investment relationship and
it gives emphasis on collective and social benefit